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Inauguration ceremony for MDA Medicycle, donated by SCIPLAY took place at the National Blood Bank in Ramla

On Sunday, January 26, an inauguration ceremony for a MDA medicycle, donated by SciPlay, was held at the National Blood Bank in Ramla.

The medicycle will benefit the residents of Tel Aviv Jaffa and the surrounding area. It contains medical equipment like the one at a MICU (mobile intensive care unit) which can be a significant life-saving factor in medical emergencies.

Aibak Hamuda, a SciPlay employee and a long -time MDA first responder volunteer, contacted SciPlay's CEO Mrs. Noga Sher-Halperin, with the suggestion that the company donates a motorcycle through the Israeli Friends of MDA Association to optimize the chances of saving lives.  Noga, deeply moved by this unique initiative, approved the acquisition with Mr. Josh Wilson, SciPlay's Global CEO, who gave his blessing to Aibak's initiative and important work.

25 years-old Aibak Hamuda works as a User Acquisition Manager at SciPlay. He began volunteering at Magen David Adom in December 2021, while looking for a civil organization where he could contribute and feel connected to the Israeli scene. “MDA provided me with the opportunity I was looking for – to save lives and to touch the field of emergency medicine I always dreamed of,” he says. “Since then, I have been a volunteer medic in the Gush Dan region, and last year I joined the MDA Motorcycle Unit.

SciPlay's contribution is a twofold and a testimony of the company's great support and appreciation for Magen David Adom and its life-saving work. In addition to donating the medicycle to MDA's immediate response vehicle fleet, SciPlay chose to support its employee ,Aibak, who's been dispatched as MDA's first responder volunteer and saved quite a few lives during the years.

The day after the inauguration ceremony, Aibek's colleague experienced a severe life-threatening allergy attack, and Aibak saved his life with the equipment he brought from the medicycle.

The support of SciPlay's management attests to the important connection of business companies, which strengthen, support and stand by the 37,000 MDA volunteers, including the first responders, dispatched every day to save lives in their work and residential environments. The exciting ceremony was attended by the management of SciPlay, led by the company's CEO in Israel - Noga Sher-Halperin and the Global CEO, Mr. Josh Wilson, the Hamuda family along with the excited Aibak, MDA management, the management of the Israeli Friends of MDA Association, - Elhanan Alon- the head of the First Responder Unit, friends and supporters of MDA.

Orly Ariel, CEO of the IFMDA   in Israel, congratulated the management of “Your donation of the medicycle to the Magen David Adom takes us another big step forward in reducing arrival times to various medical emergencies across the country. The living proof is that yesterday the medicycle was inaugurated in a ceremony and today, a colleague of the MDA's First Responder Volunteer Aibek suffered from a severe life-threatening allergy attack and was saved thanks to the life-saving equipment on the medicycle,like the one at a MICU , and Aibek's quick and professional assistance.

 MDA strives to reduce the response emergency time to zero, and a donation like this contributes time and again to the change of reality in the field of saving lives. We are grateful to SciPlay and hope that other companies will see it as an example for a meaningful service to the community and thousands of families in Israel."

We invite you to become a friend of MDA and support the immediate response team by donating.


Photographs : Eliran Avital


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